Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Fear of Gender Disparity in Leadership

What if all the issues that females write about in their experiences as emerging leaders turn out to be the same issues that emerging male leaders have?

Great.  My book is already knocked of the best-seller list and it's not even written.    I already had titles picked out:  I Am Woman. Hear Me Whine., Last Woman Standing, Stop Picking On Me, I'm a Woman!

Are we really afraid of a difference that may not actually exist?  Another example of the fear of fear? Remove all the deeply rooted resentments of how difficult it was to get to positions of power.  Respect, but move past, the last generation's fight against the glass ceiling. Recognize the fact that we still have a ways to go to see equitable representation in female leadership.

But...once we're there, how different is it? Comparing notes with male leaders; leadership struggles, pitfalls, and successes arrive and abate neutral to gender.  So is it just the visual of female leadership that tickles our imagination and aspirations to step into the ring? 

Once you're there, both men and women will guide the way.

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